Preferred Citation: Larkin, John A. Sugar and the Origins of Modern Philippine Society. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  1993.


Six Quotas, 1935-1941

1. TT , May 4, 1934-May 28, 1935; SN 15 15 (1934): 527; 16 (1935): 480; 18 (1937): 116-17; M , July 27, 1934, p. 1; August 14, 1934, p. 1.

2. TT , January 6, 1935-March 12, 1937; SN 15 (1934): 459-63; 16 (1935): 383-84, 413, 551-52; 17 (1936): 143-44, 421-23.

3. Interview with E. D. Hester, Army and Navy Club, Manila, August 3, 1982; TT , December 8, 1934-March 29, 1935; SN 16 (1935): 63-65; 17 (1936): 325-29, 381-84; 19 (1938): 155-57; Philippine Islands, Office of the Governor-General, Executive Orders Relative to Sugar Allocation: Issued by the Governor-General During the Year 1935 , 4 vols. (Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1936).

4. SN 16 (1935): 52; TT , May 10, 1934-January 30, 1938; John E. Dalton, Sugar: A Case Study of Government Control (New York: Macmillan, 1937), pp. 233-36; cable from Jorge Vargas, Manila, to Manuel Quezon, Washington, 1935; letter from Captain Bonner Fellers, Office of the President of the Philippines, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, to Creed Cox, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, April 21, 1937, QP.

5. TT , March 6, 1935-August 8, 1937; SN 18 (1937): 96; 19 (1938): 56; Report of the National Sugar Board to His Excellency the President of the Philippines , August: 2, 1939, pp. 19-21, RP; Marcial P. Lichauco, Roxas (Manila: Kiko, 1952), p. 114; Garel A. Grunder and William E. Livezey, The Philippines and the United States (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1951), pp. 230-32.

6. SN 16-20 (1935-39); TT , April 19, 1936-August 13, 1940; A Handbook of the Sugar and Other Industries in the Philippines, 1961 (Manila: Sugar News Press, 1961), p. 162; Jack T. Turner, Marketing of Sugar , Indiana University School of Business, Bureau of Business Research Study, no. 38 (Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin), pp. 83-88.

7. Telegram from Manuel Quezon, Manila, to Felipe Buencamino, London, April 4, 1937; telegram from Vice-president Sergio Osmeña, Washington, to President Manuel Quezon, Manila, May 26, 1939, QP; TT , March 5, 1939, p. 2; June 3, 1939, p. 3; Joseph Ralston Hayden, The Philippines: A Study in National Development (New York: Macmillan, 1942), pp. 791-96; letter from High Commissioner Paul V. McNutt, Manila, to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Washington, June 30, 1938; letter from President Roosevelt, Washington, to High Commissioner McNutt, Manila, September 29, 1938; letter from Francis B. Sayre, Chairman, Interdepartmental Committee on Philippine Affairs, Department of State, Washington, to President Roosevelt, October 28, 1938, Box 1938, McNutt Mss., Lilly Library, Bloomington, Ind.; International Agreement Regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar, London, May 6, 1937 (London: His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1937).

8. TT , December 29, 1938, p. 3; April 10, 1941, pp. 1, 4; November 28, 1941, p. 1; SN 14 (1933): 398; 15 (1934): 104; 18 (1937): 32; telegram from Joaquin M. Elizalde, Washington, to President Manuel Quezon, Manila, September 15, 1941; communication to U.S. High Commissioner Francis B. Sayre, Manila, from President Manuel Quezon, Manila, November 28, 1941, QP.

9. TT, September 2, 1939-December 6, 1941; SN 19 (1938): 327; 22 (1941): 62, 83, 313; Philippine Commonwealth, Bureau of Census and Statistics, Journal of Philippine Statistics 1 (1941): 59, 70. George Fairchild had extensive correspondence in 1941 with Quezon on shipping for Philippine sugar.

10. SN 19 (1938): 90-93, 127-29, 324-27; 20 (1939): 275-76; 21 (1940): 352; TT , June 11, 1937-October 2,1940; Thomas R. McHale, "The Sugar Industry of the Philippines in the 1970s," paper presented at the PDCP-UPIEDR Lecture Series, Manila, January 20, 1970, p. 75.

11. "The actual nature of the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. An attempt to answer the question, is there a dictatorship in the Philippines?" Memorandum from Justice George A. Malcolm, Manila, to High Commissioner Paul McNutt, Manila, July 6, 1937, Box 1937, McNutt Mss., Lilly Library; Aruna Gopinath, Manuel L. Quezon: The Tutelary Democrat (Quezon City: New Day, 1987), chap. 2; Alfred W. McCoy, "Quezon's Commonwealth: The Emergence of Philippine Authoritarianism," in Philippine Colonial Democracy , ed. Ruby R. Paredes, Monograph Series, no. 32 (New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asian Studies, 1988). On Quezon's role in the sugar industry see letter from Governor Pablo Angeles David, San Fernando, Pampanga, to Manuel Quezon, Manila, May 27, 1937; letter from Manuel H. Javelona, Justice of the Peace, Bago, N.O., to Manuel Quezon, Manila, August 9, 1935; letter from Santiago H. Granada, Isabela, N.O. to PSA President Rafael Alunan, Manila, July 16, 1935, QP.

12. Handbook 1961 , p. 16; TT September 17, 1937-October 28, 1939; SN 19 (1938): 520; 20 (1939): 184-85; Gopinath, Quezon , p. 86; letter from Jose Yulo, President of the National Assembly, Manila, to Resident Commissioner Joaquin Elizalde, Washington, January 10, 1939; cable from Manuel Quezon, Manila, to Sergio Osmeña, Washington, January 18, 1939, QP.

13. Baldomero T. Olivera, Jose Yulo: The Selfless Statesman (Mandaluyong, Metro Manila: U.P.-Jorge B. Vargas Filipiniana Research Center, 1981), p. 34; TT , August 25, 1934-October 8, 1940; SN 21 (1940): 413; 22 (1941): 117.

14. Harry B. Hawes, "In the Matter of the Classification of Philippine Sugar as a 'Non-Essential' Commodity," testimony before the United States Maritime Commission, July 29, 1941 (Washington, D.C.: n.p., 1941).

15. TT , April 15, 1936-July 25, 1940; M , May 20, 1936, p. 3; November 22, 1939, p. 1; SN 21 (1940): 321; letters from Attorney Jose Ma. Lacson, Manila, to Manuel Quezon, Malacañan Palace, September 21, 1938, and April 17, 1939; letter from Presidential Secretary Jorge Vargas, Manila, to Enrique Montilla, Manager of Isabela Sugar Co., Manila, October 14, 1941, QP.

16. The seven largest milling interests were Ehrman-Spreckels (10.62 percent of the total U.S. quota), Ossorio (10.03 percent), Elizalde (9.94 percent), Lizares (9.88 percent), Tabacalera (9.76 percent), Montilla (8.58 percent), and Pasudeco (6.78 percent) (Yoshiko Nagano, "The Oligopolistic Structure of the Philippine Sugar Industry during the Great Depression," in The World Sugar Economy in War and Depression, 1914-1940 , ed. Bill Albert and Adrian Graves [London: Routledge, 1988], pp. 174-75). See also TT , January 8, 1935-January 5, 1941; SN 17 (1936): 32, 124; letter from M. Cuaderno, PNB, to Manuel Quezon, Manila, July 29, 1936, QP. Financier Vicente Madrigal acquired Canlubang just before the outbreak of war.

17. "Memorandum for His Excellency the President on: The Philippine Sugar Problem," RP; Francisco Varona, Negros: historia anecdótica de su riqueza y de sus hombres (Manila: General Printing Press, 1938), pp. 370-80; SN 17 (1936): 452; 18 (1937); 2,327-28; 19 (1938): 416-17; TT , March 31, 1934-November 20, 1938; Florence Horn, Orphans of the Pacific, the Philippines (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1941), pp. 137, 214, 247.

18. TT , February 16, 1936, p. 11.

19. Stephen A. Resnick, "A Socio-Economic Interpretation of the Decline of Rural Industry Under Export Expansion: A Comparison Among Burma, Philippines and Thailand, 1870-1938," Center Discussion Paper, no. 74, presented at the Economic Growth Center, Yale University, September 17, 1969, pp. 60-61; SN 16-22 (1935-41); TT , August 6, 1935-

October 30, 1941; M , April 28, 1937, p. 1; July 15, 1939, p. 1; February 10, 1940, p. 1; Modesto P. Sa-onoy, Valderrama (Bacolod: Negros Occidental Historical Commission, 1979), pp. 30-41; Karl J. Pelzer, Pioneer Settlement in the Asiatic Tropics (New York: American Geographical Society, 1948), pp. 135-41. Notarial registers for Negros Occidental had the following numbers: 39471, 39479, 39590, 39606, 39660, 39763, 39782, 39785, 39929, 40028, 40030, 40031, 40033, 40034, 40035. Notarial registers in Pampanga were mostly identified by notary but also included numbered registers 35188, 35190, 35192, 35262.

20. TT , May 12, 1935-December 31, 1940; Horn, Orphans , pp. 242-43; M , June 13, 1936-September 7, 1940; HDP, Bacolod, pp. 2, 13, 21; SN 17 (1936): 32, 489; letter from H. W. Munger, Fabrica, Negros Occidental, to Randolph Howard, New York, April 26, 1935; letter from H. W. Munger, Fabrica, Negros Occidental, to J. W. Decker, New York, August 16, 1941, BMR.

21. TT , February 27, 1934-June 9, 1941; Sol H. Gwekoh, Diosdado Macapagal.' Triumph over Poverty (Manila: G and G Enterprises, 1962), chap. 2.

22. Philippine Islands, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Philippine Statistical Review 2 (1935): 40-41, 69; Philippine Commonwealth, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Bulletin of Philippine Statistics 6 (1940): 281-82; Journal of Philippine Statistics 1 (1941): 7-8, 59, 70; TT , July 8, 1939, p. 3; SN 21 (1940): 315; M , October 5, 1940, p. 2; October 24, 1940, p. 1.

23. SN 16 (1935): 621; 17 (1936): 339,510; 18 (1937): 152; 22 (1941): 238; Report of the National Sugar Board , p. 22; Document 39590, Notarios , Negros Occidental, PNA; TT , May 18, 1937, p. 16; Horn, Orphans , p. 243; M , July 18, 1936, p. 1; April 20, 1940, p. 4.

24. TT , May 7, 1935, p. 1.

25. Philippine Commonwealth, Department of Labor, "Fact-finding Survey Report, 1936," typewritten (Manila: Division of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, 1936), p. 202.

26. Kenneth K. Kurihara, Labor in the Philippines (Palo Alto, Calif.: American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1945), p. 39; information from thirty-three 1970 questionnaire interviews with Negrense rice agsadors, most of whom had converted from sugar to rice farming in the late 1930s.

27. SN 18 (1937): 191-93; 19 (1938): 387; 20 (1939): 445; TT , October 18, 1939, pp. 1, 13; January 12, 1940, pp. 1, 13.

28. Cable from Amando Avanceña, President of the Confederation of Sugar Planters' Associations, Bacolod, to Secretary of War George Dern, Washington, September 23, 1935, QP; SN 16 (1935): 407-8; 18 (1937): 295; 19 (1938): 515-16; TT , January 22, 1935-July 14, 1940; Honolulu Advertiser , January 28, 1939.

29. Letter from Enrique C. Locsin, Bacolod, to Hon. Manuel Roxas, Manila, February 10, 1939, RP; letter from Manuel Quezon to Jose Yulo, Manila, February 24, 1941, QP; TT , January 13, 1937-September 2, 1941; M , May 22, 1940, p. 1; June 1, 1940, p. 1.

30. Notarios , Pampanga, PNA; TT , July 8, 1939-March 18, 1941; M , May 4, 1940, p. 1; interview with Luis Taruc, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, June 17, 1970.

31. Information concerning events in the section on confrontation comes chiefly from the pages. of the Tribune issues January 1935-December' 1941.

32. Interviews with Casto Alejandrino, Camp Crame, Quezon City, April 5 and 12, 1970; Luis Taruc, Born of the People (New York: International, 1953), pp. 40-45, 84; TT , June 22, 1935-March 29, 1938.

33. SN 16 (1935): 296; M , August 22, 1936, p. 1; July 27, 1940, p. 3; interview with Luis Taruc, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, June 16, 1970; HDP, Barrio Baliti, San Fernando, p. 31; "Fact-finding Survey," p. 246.

34. I. T. Runes, General Standards of Living and Wages of Workers in the Philippine Sugar Industry (Manila: Philippine Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1939), pp. 29-30.

35. TT , October 4, 1934, p. 3; "Fact-finding Survey," p. 239; M , June 7, 1939, p. 3; "Annual Report of the Governor of Negros Occidental, August 28, 1939," p. 12, QP; interview with Antonio Angeles, Bacolor, July 28, 1970; interview with Eugenio Tabong, Lubao, August 13, 1970.

36. "Fact-finding Survey," p. 26; Pelzer, Pioneer Settlement , pp. 110-14; Varona, Negros , pp. 391-94; Benedict J. Kerkvliet, The Huk Rebellion.' A Study of Peasant Revolt in the Philippines (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1977), pp. 35-36; Frederick L. Wernstedt, "Agricultural Regionalism on Negros Island, Philippines" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 1953), p. 212; M , December 23, 1939, p. 1; Notarios , 39660, 39763, 40028, 40030, Negros Occidental, PNA; letter from Santiago Diego, Isabela, Negros Occidental, to Secretary of Finance Manuel Roxas, Manila, June 18, 1940, RP.

37. Letter from Governor Pablo Angeles David, San Fernando, Pampanga, to Manuel Quezon, Manila, October 11, 1935, QP, p. 239; Kerkvliet, Huk Rebellion , p. 37; "Fact-finding Survey," pp. 13-14.

38. SN 7 (1926): 284-85.

39. M , December 2, 1936, p. 3; March 13, 1937, p. 1; April 10, 1937, p. 5; May 6, 1939, p. 2; SN 19 (1938): 516; "Fact-finding Survey," p. 198.

40. SN 20 (1939): 109, 254; interview with Eugenio Pangilinan, Angeles, July 24, 1970; interview with Juan Dalusung, Angeles, July 21, 1970; Kerkvliet, Huk Rebellion , p,. 43. Both Judge Hermogenes Reyes and Judge Jose M. Paredes actually passed favorably on tenant cases ( TT , March 18, 1938, p. 16; February 6, 1941, p. 1; Gerardo Castro vs. Fausto de Los Reyes,

Civil Case no. 6887, Court of First Instance, Third Judicial District, January 24, 1941, QP).

41. Interview with Casto Alejandrino, Camp Crame, Quezon City, May 11, 1970; Philippine Commonwealth, President, 1935-1944 (Quezon), Speech of His Excellency, Manuel L. Quezon, President of the Philippines on New Deal for the Laboring Classes in the Philippines (Delivered before a mass gathering of farm laborers and tenants at San Fernando, Pampanga, February 14, 1939) .

42. Interview with Luis Taruc, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, June 17, 1970; SN 22 (1941): 231; Harlan R. Crippen, "Philippine Agrarian Unrest: Historical Backgrounds," Science and Society 10 (Fall 1946): 352-53.

43. M , January 3, 1940-March 16, 1940; SN 21 (1940): 107, 368, 551-52.

44. Interviews with four former sacadas and one cabo, Bugasong and Culasi, Antique, June 26-29, 1970.

45. Interviews with five former rice agsadors, Binalbagan and Isabela, June 10-25, 1970.

46. Alfred W. McCoy, "A Queen Dies Slowly: The Rise and Decline of Iloilo," in Philippine Social History: Global Trade and Local Transformations , ed. Alfred W. McCoy and Ed. C. de Jesus (Sidney: Allen and Unwin, 1982), pp. 338-44.

47. "Fact-finding Survey," pp. 84-97.

48. U.S. Department of State, Joint Preparatory Committee on Philippine Affairs: Report of May 20, 1938 , Publication 1216, Conference Series 36, 3 vols. in 4 wraps (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1938), 3:888.

49. Alfredo B. Saulo, Communism in the Philippines: An Introduction (Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University, 1969), p. 34.

50. James S. Allen, The Radical Left on the Eve of War: A Political Memoir (Quezon City: Foundation for Nationalist Studies, 1985), pp. 47-49; "The Huks in Retrospect: A Failed Bid for Power," Solidarity 102 (1985): 99-103; interview with Luis Taruc, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, June 16, 1970; Kerkvliet, Huk Rebellion , pp. 51-53.

51. Taruc, Born of the People , pp. 33-46; PN , April 8-14, 1978, p. 2; Uldarico S. Baclagon, Lessons from the Huk Campaign in the Philippines (Manila: M. Colcol, 1960), pp. 270-71.

52. Letter from Mayor Agapito del Rosario, Angeles, to Manuel Quezon, Manila, July 30, 1941, QP; interview with Tiago Santiago, Florida-bianca, August 14, 1970.

53. Antonio S. Tan, The Ideology of Pedro Abad Santos' Socialist Party (Quezon City: Asian Center, University of the Philippines, 1984); David R. Sturtevant, Popular Uprisings in the Philippines, 1840-1940 (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1976), pp. 249-51; M , July 19,

1939, p. 1; Horn, Orphans , pp. 112-113; William J. Duiker, The Communist Road to Power in Vietnam (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1981), pp. 26-28.

54. Catherine Porter, Crisis in the Philippines (New York: Knopf, 1942), pp. 50-53; Dapen Liang, Philippine Parties and Politics: A Historical Study of National Experience in Democracy (San Francisco: Gladstone, 1970), pp. 227-34; Dante C. Simbulan, "The Socialist Movement in the Philippines" (M.A. thesis, University of the Philippines, 1961), pp. 35-37.

55. Allen, Radical Left , pp. 76-80; Tan, Ideology , pp. 26-28; Horn, Orphans , p. 87; Philippine Statistical Review 2 (1935): 220.

56. "Fact-finding Survey," p. 54.

57. Gopinath, Quezon , p. 93.

58. SN 18 (1937): 135; 19 (1938): 390; 20 (1939): 251-52, 259, 425-29; M , July 12, 1939, p. 2; July 15, 1939, p. 2.

59. Veto Message of Manuel Quezon to the Members of the National Assembly, June 21, 1941, QP.

60. Letter from Jose A. de Jesus, Private Secretary to President Quezon, Manila, to Governor Sotero Baluyut, San Fernando, March 25, 1940; letter from Jose A. de Jesus, Private Secretary to President Quezon, Manila, to District Engineer Arturo Nitorreda, San Fernando, January 27, 1941; letter from Angel Morales, Municipal President, Lubao, to Mrs. Aurora Quezon, Manila, March 19, 1937; letter from Division Superintendent of Schools Venancio Trinidad, San Fernando, to Mrs. Aurora Quezon, Manila, October 24, 1939; Memorandum from Antonio K. Abad, Manila, to Mrs. Aurora Quezon, Manila, February 20, 1941; Extract of the Minutes of the Ordinary Session Celebrated by the Municipal Council of Arayat, Pampanga, April 15, 1939, QP; Kerkvliet, Huk Rebellion , pp. 55-58; Michael P. Onorato, "Some Views on the Quezon Manuscript Collection in Manila," Philippine Studies Newsletter 16 (March 1988): 13.

61. Confidential Memorandum from Justice Jose P. Laurel, Baguio, to Manuel Quezon, Baguio, May 31, 1941; Memorandum from Secretary of Labor Leon Guinto, Manila, to Manuel Quezon, Manila, May 23, 1941; cablegram from Governor Sotero Baluyut, San Fernando, to Manuel Quezon, January 1, 1938, QP; TT , February 21, 1939, p. 2; April 9, 1939, p. 32; June 19,1941, p. 16; M , October 24, 1940, p. 1; Sturtevant, Uprisings , pp. 249-51.

62. Conference between His Excellency, the President, and Mr. Wilkins of the Bulletin , February 9, 1939, QP; SN 18 (1937): 345-48; 21 (1940): 44-45.

63. McCoy, "Quezon's Commonwealth," p. 123; Gopinath, Quezon , chap. 2.

64. TT , February 6, 1938, magazine section, p. 42.

65. SN 18 (1937): 336,400; 20 (1939): 536-37; TT , January 14, 1941, p. 12; February 7, 1941, p. 9; February 12, 1941, p. 8; interview with Pablo Gonzales, Prado, Lubao, August 18, 1970; interview with Mateo Vitug, San Isidro, Lubao, August 13, 1970.

66. TT , February 18, 1941, p. 2; interview with Federico Villaforte, Pulupandan, June 15, 1970; Uldarico S. Baclagon, They Chose to Fight: The Story of the Resistance Movement on Negros and Siquijor Islands (Quezon City: Capitol, 1962), pp. 2-3; Higinio de Uriarte, A Basque among the Guerrillas of Negros (Bacolod City: Civismo Weekly, 1962), pp. 18-22; PN , April 7-13, 1979, p. 4.

67. Correspondence of Manuel Quezon, Bais, Negros Oriental, February 26, 1942 to March 13, 1942, QP; Manuel Luis Quezon, The Good Fight (New York: Appleton-Century, 1946), p. 288.


Preferred Citation: Larkin, John A. Sugar and the Origins of Modern Philippine Society. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  1993.